History Topics - Form One
TOPIC 1: Sources And Importance Of History Syllabus
Meaning and Importance of History Syllabus
Explain the meaning of History Syllabus
Explain the importance of studying History Syllabus
Sources of History Syllabus
Identify sources of History Syllabus
Assess the functions, advantages and limitations of the following sources of history; oral traditions, historical sites, written records, archives Syllabus
TOPIC 2: Evolution Of Man, Technology And Environment Syllabus
Evolution of Man Syllabus
Explain the meaning of evolution of man Syllabus
Explain the theory of evolution of man and the religious theory of creation of man Syllabus
Early Stone Age Syllabus
Describe the types of tools used during the old stone age Syllabus
Describe the physical changes of man during the old stone age Syllabus
Explain how man obtained food during the old stone age Syllabus
Middle Stone Age Syllabus
Describe the types of tools used during the middle stone age and their functions Syllabus
Describe the physical changes of man during the middle stone age Syllabus
Explain how man obtained food during the middle stone age Syllabus
Explain the advantages of the invention and uses of fire Syllabus
New Stone Age Syllabus
Describe the type of tools used during the late stone age and their uses Syllabus
Describe the physical changes of man during the late stone age Syllabus
Appraise major changes in man's way of life during the late stone age Syllabus
Iron Age Syllabus
Explain how iron was discovered Syllabus
Appraise the advantages of using iron tools Syllabus
TOPIC 3: Development Of Economic Activities And Their Impact Syllabus
Agriculture Syllabus
Show the relationship between agriculture, the environment and technological development Syllabus
Explain the types of agricultural practices in Africa Syllabus
Explain how agriculture changed man's life Syllabus
Handicrafts,Industries and Mining in Pre-Colonial Africa Syllabus
Explain the meaning of handcrafts, industries, and mining Syllabus
Differentiate the types of industries and their advantages in pre-Africa Syllabus
Explain the uses of different types of minerals in pre-colonial Africa Syllabus
Trade in Pre-Colonial Africa Syllabus
Explain the basis of trade in pre-colonial Africa Syllabus
Identify the types of trade, types of commodities and the societies involved Syllabus
Appraise the impact of the following types of trade: local trade, regional trade Syllabus
TOPIC 4: Development Of Social And Political Systems Syllabus
Kinship Of Clan Organization Syllabus
explain the meaning of the kinship or clan Syllabus
explain the social, political and economic organization of kinship or clan Syllabus
Age-set System Syllabus
Explain the meaning of age-set system Syllabus
Explain the social, political and economic organization of societies which practiced the age-set system Syllabus
Ntemiship Syllabus
Explain the meaning of the ntemiship system Syllabus
Explain the social, political and economic organization of ntemiship Syllabus
State Organisation Syllabus
Explain the meaning of state organization Syllabus
Appraise the factors that gave rise to centralized states and non-centralized states Syllabus
Explain the organization of centralized and non-centralized states Syllabus