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Chemistry Topics - Form Three


TOPIC 1: Chemical Equations


  1. Molecular Equations

    • Write word equations for given chemical reactions

    • Write formula equations using chemical symbols

    • Balance chemical equations

  2. Ionic Equations

    • Differentiate between molecular equations and ionic equations

    • Write balanced ionic equations


TOPIC 2: Hardness Of Water


  1. The Concept of Hardness of Water

    • Explain the concept of hardness of water

    • State causes of permanent and temporary hardness in water

  2. Types of Hardness of Water

    • Identify types of hardness of water

    • Differentiate soft from hard water

  3. Treatment and Purification of Hard Water

    • Examine process of hard water treatment and purification

    • Describe the importance of hard water treatment and purification

    • State the importance of hard water in daily life


TOPIC 3: Acids, Bases And Salts


  1. Acids and Bases

    • Investigate the natural sources of acids and bases

    • Determine the reactions of acids with various materials

    • Determine the reactions of alkalis with various materials

    • Determine the reactions of bases with various substances

    • Applications of acid-base neutralization in everyday life

  2. Indicators

    • Explain an indicator from locally available materials

    • Test the acidity and alkalinity of substance using indicators

    • Describe the concept of an indicator

  3. Salts

    • Investigate the natural source of salts in daily life

    • Analyse the solubility of different salts in the laboratory

    • Prepare salts in the laboratory

    • Examine the effects of heat on salts

    • Explain the uses of different types of salts in everyday life


TOPIC 4: The Mole Concept And Related Calculations


  1. The Mole as a Unit of Measurement

    • Compare the mole with other units of measurements

    • Measure molar quantities of different substances

  2. Application of the Mole Concept

    • Convert known masses of elements, molecules or ions to moles

    • Convert known volumes of gases at S.T.P to moles

    • Change masses of solids or volumes of known gases to actual number of parties

    • Prepare molar solutions of various soluble substances

    • Perform calculations based on the mole concept


TOPIC 5: Volumetric Analysis Syllabus


  1. Standard Volumetric Apparatus

    • Explain the concept of volumetric analysis

    • Use volumetric apparatus

  2. Standard Solutions

    • Explain the steps for preparation of standard solutions of common acids

    • Prepare standard solutions of bases

    • Carry out acid-base titration experiments

  3. Volumteric Calculations

    • Standardize common mineral acids

    • Find the relative atomic mass of unknown element in an acid or alkali

    • Calculate the percentage purity of an acid or an alkali

    • Find the number of molecules of water of crystallization of a substance

  4. Application of Volumetric Analysis

    • Explain the application of volumetric analysis in real life situations

    • Compare industrial and laboratory skills of volumetric analysis


TOPIC 6: Ionic Theory And Electrolysis


  1. Ionic Theory

    • Distinguish electrolytes from non-electrolytes

    • Categorize weak and strong electrolytes

  2. The Mechanisms of Electrolysis

    • Set up electrolytic cells of different electrolytes in the molten and aqueous states

    • Explain ionic migrations during electrolysis and the preferential discharge of ions at the electrodes

    • Perform experiments to identify the products of electrolysis when different electrolytes are used

    • Perform experiments to identify the products of electrolysis when different electrodes are used

  3. Laws of Electrolysis

    • Carry out experiments to relate masses liberated and quantity of electricity passed

    • Carry out an experiment to verify Faraday’s First Law of Electrolysis

    • Carry out an experiment to verify Faraday’s Second Law of Electrolysis

    • Relate the chemical equivalents of elements and quantity of electricity passed

  4. Application of Electrolysis

    • Outline the industrial purification of copper by electrolysis

    • Carry out an experiment on electroplating of metallic materials


TOPIC 7: Chemical Kinetics, Equilibrium And Energetics 


  1. The Rate of Chemical Reactions

    • Compare the rates of chemical reactions

    • Perform experiments to measure the rates of chemical reactions

  2. Factors Affecting the Rate of Chemical Reactions

    • Describe the effect of concentration on the rate of a reaction

    • Demonstrate the effect of temperature on the rate of a reaction

    • Show the effect of surface area of a solid on the rate of a reaction

    • Demonstrate the effect of catalyst on the rate of a reaction

  3. Reversible and Irreversible Reactions

    • Compare reversible and irreversible reactions

    • Describe the concept of reversible and irreversible reactions

  4. Equilibrium Reactions

    • Differentiate equilibrium reactions from simple reversible reactions

    • Describe two equilibrium reactions of industrial importance

  5. Endothermic and Exothermic Reaction

    • Explain the concept of endothermic and exothermic reactions

    • Draw energy level diagrams for exothermic and endothermic reactions


TOPIC 8: Extractions Of Metals


  1. Occurrence and Location of Metals in Tanzania

    • Identify locations of important metal ores in Tanzania

    • Compare the abundances of metals in the earth’s crust

  2. Chemical Properties of Metals

    • Differentiate the physical and chemical strengths of metals

    • Compare the reducing Power of different metals

  3. Extraction of Metals by Electrolytic Reduction

    • Outline the criteria for the choice of the best methods of extracting a metal from its ore

    • Explain the extraction of sodium from its ore

  4. Extraction of Metals by Chemical Reduction

    • Describe the extraction of iron from its ore

  5. Environmental Consideration

    • Identify environmental destruction caused by extraction of metals

    • Suggest intervention measures to rectify environmental destruction


TOPIC 9: Compounds Of Metals


  1. Oxides

    • Prepare oxides of some metals by direct and indirect methods

    • Classify metal oxides

    • Demonstrate the reactions of metal oxides with water and dilute acids

    • Explain the uses of metal oxides

  2. Hydroxides

    • Prepare hydroxides of some metals by direct and indirect methods

    • Classify metal hydroxides

    • Explain the chemical properties of metal hydroxides

    • Describe the uses of metal hydroxides

  3. Carbonates and Hydrogen Carbonates

    • Prepare metal carbonate and hydrogen carbonates by different methods

    • Classify metal carbonates

    • Analyse the chemical properties of metal carbonates

    • Describe the uses of carbonates and hydrogen carbonates

  4. Nitrates

    • Prepare metal nitrates

    • Explain the chemical properties of metal nitrates

    • Explain the uses of metal nitrates

  5. Chlorides

    • Prepare metal chlorides by direct and indirect methods

    • Explain the chemical properties of metal chlorides

    • Explain the uses of metal chloride

  6. Sulphates

    • Prepare soluble and insoluble sulphates

    • Explain chemical properties of sulphates

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